Single Baby at the top of screen (kind of hard to see)
One of the Identicals (head is on the left)
Other identical top of the picture (head is on the right)
So I had to wait a whole week and a half to get today's ultrasound, but I survived and we were excited to see our 3 dancing babies on the screen. We really enjoyed the new doctor and she was very reassuring. She said they all look good. She made both Scott and I get the H1N1 vaccine and she ordered a ton of blood work. They don't do the blood work in the office so we have to go to a lab later in the week. I'm not looking forward to that!
We are looking forward now to Monday when we meet with the perinatologist (high risk specialist) to get a very detailed ultrasound. They expect us to be there for 2 1/2 to 3 hours! The cool thing is part of the test they do in 3D so that will be pretty awesome to see. Expect really good pictures next week. The bump is getting big and it's tough to cover up so we're happy that this is the week we decided to start spreading the exciting news.
Lucky is going to be so jealous when these children arrive, I mean she is trying to steal your camera time as it is right now.